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Stomach Cancer

Stomach cancer is also known as adenocarcinoma and mostly arises from cells making up the mucus membranes (mucus-producing cells) which line the stomach. Gastric (stomach) cancer is a leading cause of cancer worldwide. Gastrointestinal (GI) cancers—include cancers of the colon and rectum (colorectal cancers), esophagus and stomach (gastroesophageal cancers), liver, gallbladder, pancreas, small intestine, appendix and anus.



Symptoms are heartburn, discomfort in the abdomen, weight loss, nausea, bloating of stomach after meals, vomiting blood, blood in stool.



Causes Risk factors are family history, long-term inflammation of the stomach, smoking, lack of physical activity and helicobactor pylori infection. Eating salty and highly processed food are said to also contribute to stomach cancer.



Since new ways are needed to detect this cancer early, when it can be successfully treated, research teams try to identify biomarkers, such as particular bits of DNA or cells shed from the tumor, that circulate in the blood system and indicate the presence of gastric cancer. Another new detection technology uses a pill-sized camera that can be swallowed by the patient and a marker “lights up” cancer cells. This enables researchers to capture images of stomach tissue at risk of developing cancer.

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